Trading Calculators

Trading calculators are invaluable tools for clients to help them trade more effectively and make accurate decisions while trading. They can be easily integrated on any website.

Currency Converter

Current Conversion Rate
  • Want a quick currency conversion?
    T4Trade's Currency Converter simplifies the process, using live market rates to efficiently convert a range of currencies.
    Simply choose your currency, enter the amount and click Calculate to convert. Change major currencies such as AUD, CHF, EUR, GBP, USD, and JPY.
  • Effectively manage your risk per trade by calculating the value of a pip with T4Trade's Pip Calculator. Knowing the pip value in your chosen currency will help you determine whether a trade is worth placing.
    Simply choose your account currency, the currency pair you are trading, and your position size. Click Calculate to find out the value of each pip.
  • T4Trade's Margin Calculator works out exactly how much margin is required to open and hold a position. This tool will help to determine whether you should adjust the lot size or leverage you are using, taking into account your account balance.
    Choose your account currency, indicate the currency pair you wish to trade, select your desired leverage, set the position size and click Calculate.
  • Monitor trade performance effectively with T4Trade's Profit Calculator, enabling you to assess the outcome of each trade. Select your currency pair, whether you're buying or selling, provide opening and closing prices, trade size and deposit currency.
    Click Calculate and the Profit Calculator will work out precisely how the trade performed.