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Key Concepts of Fundamental Analysis

– Fundamental Analysis is the study of the economic and political forces that determine the currency exchange rates….

Introduction to Monetary and Fiscal policies.

What is inflation? Example of Hyperinflation Example of Deflation

Monetary policy and interest rates

How does monetary policy tackle the problem of inflation? Effect of interest rates on currencies Central banks’ intervention…

Expectations theory

How expectations theory impact countries’ currenciesHow market reacts to expectation shiftsUnexpected events and market response

Economic Indicators – Growth, Output and Inflation

Economic Indicators that fundamental analysts look atGrowth & Output indicatorsInflation IndicatorsHow key economic releases affect currency exchange rates

Economic Indicators: Employment and Consumption

Economic Indicators that fundamental analysts look atEmployment indicatorsConsumption IndicatorsHow key economic releases affect currency exchange rates

Fiscal Policy

Types of Fiscal policies Expansionary fiscal policy Contractionary fiscal policy Fiscal policy tools governments implement

Top 3 mistakes forex traders make

In this episode we are discussing the top 3 biggest mistakes forex traders make when trading the market…

The Law of Large Numbers and How it is Used by Traders

In today’s podcast we’ll be looking at The Law of Large Numbers and How it is Used by…

3 biggest Mistakes Forex Traders Make

Here are the top 3 biggest mistakes forex traders make when trading the market. This podcast will describe …

Three reasons why you lose and how to improve your trading game

I speak about the three main reasons related to clients losing their funds in trading and I give…

Three ways to improve your trading mindset

I am discussing the common ways that will help you improve your trading mindset. 

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